Shown below is the list of accepted teams for the Area 2F Cookies Best Tournament tournament for the age group.
12UG 8 - Accepted Teams
Group Club/Team Name Team ID  Head Coach
 A1 Region 1637 MY23
1637 G12U Woods
022F-37CG2U-0018   Christina Woods
 A2 Region 282 MY23
022F-82CG2U-0075   n/a
 A3 Region 316 MY23
316 G12U Guerrero/Schneider
022F-16CG2U-0019   Elizabeth Guerrero
 A4 535 G12U Hartman 022F-35CG2U-0011   n/a
 B1 Region 740 MY23
740 U12G T3
022F-40CG2U-0065   n/a
 B2 Region 318 MY23
318-12UG-1 - Quintero
022F-18CG2U-0025   n/a
 B3 Region 150 MY23
150 G12U Braaten
022F-50CG2U-0057   Spring Braaten
 B4 Region 995 MY23
995 12U Girls All Star Karina
022F-95CG2U-0019   Karina Rowan